Tag Archives: november

Recap November 2022

My goals for Science Fiction Month:

  1. Read a science fiction novel
  2. Continue watching Battlestar Galactica
  3. Watch Escape From New York

The results? I did not watch a single episode of Battlestar. I watched 3/4 of Escape From New York when Tubi decided it didn’t need to play anymore and it wasn’t going to reload it for me, so I gave up. I read TWO science fiction novels. Semi-success. 😀

Book Reviews:

Night of the Living Trekkies

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1)

Currently Reading:

The other notable thing that happened during November would be that Mr. C&M and I got memorial tattoos for our beloved dog Ozzy. (He would have been 14 years old today.)

It was a bittersweet tattoo and my most emotional one yet. But I am so happy to have it.

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1) – Book Review

Published Date: May 2, 2017

Publishing Co.: Tor.com

Pages: 144

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

What if robots designed to be security and kill when commanded, became sentient? Sounds absolutely horrifying, right?

Turns out, they rather just be left alone to watch their programs like an old woman.

However, they must keep up the ruse that they obey human commands, or they will get reprogrammed and go right back to be being just a murderous robot.

Murderbot, as they call themself, actually likes the humans they are currently contracted to protect and they’re going to have to break protocol when the excavation site is under attack if they want to get those kind humans out alive.

There was a lot of hype surrounding this novella when it came out. I’m happy to say that it held up to the recommendations. I downloaded the second book immediately.

Night of the Living Trekkies – Book Review

Published Date: September 15, 2010

Publishing Co.: Quirk Books

Pages: 253

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

As you might surmise from the title, this entails zombies and Trekkies. Without ruining anything, the zombies are not your average zombies, and it makes this story a little more science fiction-y and fun.

A Houston hotel is hosting a Star Trek convention and manager Jim, ex-military, is attempting to make sure that everything is running smoothly. However, the staff keeps disappearing. The guests are acting strangely (non-Trek related) and shit very quickly, hits the fan.

What follows is a tale of zombie apocalypse survival. Jim is doing his best to keep his sister, her friends and a Star Wars guest who keeps quoting the movies, from becoming zombie chow. (Some Trekkies might have used her as bait for distraction but what’s more fun than that age old rivalry among science fiction fans?)

I had a very good time reading this book. I enjoy zombie novels in general but adding Star Trek and Star Wars on top was the spice of the novel. I am a Star Wars fan, but I grew up watching Star Trek: Next Generation with my dad as well so I appreciate both worlds although I would not consider myself a Trekkie.

Sci-Fi Month 2022

I hope everyone had an absolutely splendid Halloween! We had a laid-back night of homemade macaroni and cheese and a horror movie. I had intended to post again before my favorite holiday of the year, but I did not end up reading the comic that I intended and didn’t have much to post about otherwise.

So here we are leaping into Science Fiction month!

Here is my game plan. Whether it happens or not, that’s a whole different story: Continue my quest of watching all of Battlestar Galactica for the first time, watch/rewatch Escape from New York (I can’t remember if I’ve seen it before) and pick up at least one Sci-Fi novel.

I’ve only read one book in Ridley’s presence, and it was while he was sick, so I still don’t know if he’ll try to eat it while I’m trying to read it. It will be a fun game!

Are you participating in Sci-Fi month or are you more of a Non-Fiction November type of person? Either way, what are your plans?!

November 2020 in Books

My little black Christmas tree went up yesterday. It’s prelit with white lights but I added green to give it a Type O Negative kind of vibe. 😀

This past week has been very rocky. My coworker tested positive with Covid-19. He feels okay other than getting tired very easily. The rest of us tested negative at this time, but we’re all worried that it’s just the incubation period. We will see what this next week brings.

Onto books!

5 out of 5 stars – I went into this with little expectation given things I had heard and came out on the other end absolutely loving this book. If you don’t like political intrigue, I could see how you would say that this is boring or drawn out. However, if you’re like me and you dig that sort of thing, baby dive on in!

4 out of 5 stars – One of my favorite space opera series. The character building is always so great and the world encompassing those characters is always original. I feel like it may have been overshadowed by Dune but I still had a good time reading it.

Science Fiction unrelated to books:

Mr. C&M and I endulged in HBO’s Lovecraft Country. Other than there being plenty of horror, there was also quite a bit of science fiction. This series is incredibly brutal and gorey for anyone not into that sort of thing. We found it absolutely fascinating.

How was your November? Science fiction related or otherwise.

Coffee & A Chat – Science Fiction Month

It’s a new glorious day folks. We spent last night having a very small going away party for a friend and celebrating the results of the election. So I come to you this morning, slightly hungover and slowly sipping this coffee. Oh, the wonders that are coffee. I was sick this last week (not covid, I was tested), and threw up coffee. It only put me off for one day. My love of coffee knows no bounds.

Okay well, I don’t see myself ever getting into coffee enemas, so I guess there are SOME bounds.

As many of you are already fully celebrating, November is Science Fiction Month. Usually, I hop on board another blog’s hosting of a sci-fi extravaganza, but not this year. I’m just not feeling the commitment this go-around. If you wish to join in those festivities however, check out Imyril’s blog. It is a great time.

I did decide to take on a sci-fi giant and since it’s a thicker book, I didn’t want to feel rushed reading to make blog content.

I’m already 344 pages in and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I look forward to a lazy Sunday and getting more of this in.

What are your plans for Sci-Fi Month?

Sci Fi November 2018 in Review

Whew! It’s already December? How did that happen?? I hope everyone enjoyed NanoWrimo that participated! And if you didn’t get to the word count goal, you’re still a star because some progress in better than no progress and writing is hard! I dabbled myself a few years back and there’s always the hope that I’ll get inspired again.

Anywho, Science Fiction November! I think mine was pretty successful considering how busy I’ve been. I had hoped to convince Mr. Cupcakes & Machetes to watch some sci-fi TV shows together but that didn’t happen. We were fully involved in Netflix’s Mindhunter. (We’re always behind on the good things.) If you’re into True Crime, I highly recommend giving it a go.


Parasite (Parasitology #1) – Book Review

After the Crown (The Indranan War #2) – Book Review

Foundation (Foundation #1) – Book Review

Gotham City Sirens Vol.3 Strange Fruit – Comic Review

Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse #1) – Book Review

Vox – Book Review

Did you participate in Sci-Fi month? If so, how did it go for you?

Join in the Fun, it’s Sci-Fi Month


I don’t know who started it, I don’t who currently hosts it, but November is Science Fiction month. I happily participate every year. I’ve already started my first read, Parasite and it’s been a good choice so far.

I won’t plan out which books I read any further than they’ll be in the Sci-Fi genre. I’m a mood reader and if I give myself too many rules when it comes to reading, I won’t enjoy myself.

Are you going to join in on the Sci-Fi fun??


Sci-Fi Month in Review

Okay, so I didn’t have the most successful sci-fi month. I mean, I always plan to do a LOT more but life is hectic these days so I’m proud I managed this much. *Stands with chest puffed out, fists on hips, imaginary cape blowing in the wind*

Book/Comic Reviews:

Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted – Comic Review

Old Man’s War – Book Review

Ready Player One – Book Review

Gotham City Sirens, Vol.1: Union – Comic Review

Two novels and two graphic novels ain’t too shabby. Plus, that’s two new authors I’ve never read. The funny thing is, I’ve saved about 5 books in the last year to specifically read this month and only read one. Hah. Guess I’ll just have to squeeze those in in the new year. (Which is right around the corner, holy crap!)

Science Fiction Month

AAAAAHHHH! It’s officially Sci-Fi month!

I’ve always been a huge fan of sci-fi movies, (die hard Star Wars fan here) but I haven’t read very much sci-fi. At least not in comparison to how much fantasy I’ve read. So my goal for the month of November is to add more sci-fi to my reading list. I probably won’t go as hardcore as I did with paranormal/horror for Halloween but I don’t want to burn myself out on a genre either.

I went to the library yesterday and grabbed quite a few books. I don’t know if I will get to them all but I’m going to try. I think I’m going to start with Station Eleven.

In order to commit even harder to this month’s goal, I’ve joined the lovely Rinn Reads in her Sci-Fi celebration of epic proportions.

Are you going to celebrate Sci-Fi month? If so, how do you plan to do that?
