New Year’s Drinking & Baking

Happy New Year! Out with the old and in with the new or whatever it is they say you should do this time of the year.

How did you ring in the first day of the new year?

I spent mine drinking and baking with my BFFF (best fucking friends forever) Ignited Moth and I cannot think of a better way to do it given the circumstances.

For our first (we determined that it will not be our last) time drinking and baking on video, we had a bit of a messy start. And, that was BEFORE the drinks got involved. Quickly, we got our shit together and got to baking!

Moth outdid me as she made not just bread, but jam AND a fancy homemade cocktail. Is there anything that girl CAN’T do??

While she tried out a new honey beer bread recipe, I tackled an eggnog bread with eggnog icing. I needed to clean some holiday stuff out of my fridge okay?

Both breads turned out to be winners but here’s a picture of mine (her’s is in her hands in the photo above):

Recipe here.

Ignited Moth is literally one of the best people I know. I’m so lucky to have her as my friend. I’m not sure how I would have gotten through 2020 without our weekly video calls and shenanigans. ❤

22 thoughts on “New Year’s Drinking & Baking

  1. Mrs worked last night, so once she got home we went out to a little breakfast place and she tried poutine for the first time. We ate so much that once we got home we both sacked out. Then I spent a couple of hours waking up and catching up.

    Been a good day for us and it sounds like it was a very good day for you 😀

    1. One of the things I miss the most is going out for breakfast. *drools* The flipside being that I’ve gotten pretty great at making breakfast, but still, I long to be able to eat out comfortably again.

      I’m glad that we’re both getting an excellent start to the new year. 😀

  2. Awww, I love you so damn much, Lady! ❤ ❤ ❤
    This was so much fun, and I honestly can't think of a better way to have kicked off the New Year than baking and boozing with my Bestie! ^_^

  3. Oh my god, you’re both so adorable. I’m jealous of that bread. Like not jealous to be it, but jealous it’s not in my mouth. I drank a lot of sangria NYE and had a pretty wicked hangover. I don’t really remember what the hell I did NYD. I’d planned to clean, but that did not happen :p

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