Bookstagram – Week 1

I know not everyone uses Instagram so I decided to attempt (I say attempt because I’m easily distracted) to do a weekly review of my awesome book related posts here on my blog. But if you DO have Instagram, you can follow me here.

“Buried in blankets and comics trying to forget that it’s 14 degrees outside.”
“Time to get this epic fantasy party started.”
“First book haul of 2018!”

19 thoughts on “Bookstagram – Week 1

  1. Yay! 😀 I’m glad you’re sharing these pics here, too. 🙂
    Looks like there has been some very cozy reading going on recently. I approve! ❤ And huzzah for the first book haul of the year. Here's to many more in the months to come!

      1. The Last American Vampire by Seth Graham-Smith. (He wrote Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Also, I think I saw his name in the beginning credits of the new IT movie as a writer or something.)

  2. I’m following you now, and I’m jealous of that Locke and Key. I need to get the next one. I only go on Instagram to look at pictures of animals and post pictures of my cats…so I’m using it correctly 😀

      1. I’m notoriously terrible at checking instagram, but when I do, it’s like I’m on there for an hour because I just follow adorable animals. Cid, the little brown tabby, tried to make his escape yesterday. He must’ve slipped out without me noticing it when I came home. I thought I heard a mew while I was taking off my boots in the bedroom, but I figured they were being talkative. Nope. Our neighbor knocked on the door and asking “Is this your cat,” and in trots the butterball. We live in an apartment, so he was just milling around our door in the hallway, but holy shit did I feel guilty. Poor little guy was asking to come back in.

      2. Zelda did the same thing recently. She somehow slipped out on the patio while I was taking the dogs out and I didn’t notice. It was super cold out too, but she didn’t start meowing for about a half hour. I sat there doing the dishes and cleaning and she didn’t meow until I went to the bathroom. I thought she was just being chatty too until the mews got more urgent lol.

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