Female Authors 2021 Edition

Once upon a time, I did a month long blog event to celebrate women in March. It was a lot of fun but eventually fell by the wayside the last couple of years. It takes time and devotion and I was apparently lacking both. In those intervening years, I’ve picked up several more female authors that I enjoy and I thought it was time to give them their own spotlight.

Have you read any of these ladies and what did you think?

23 thoughts on “Female Authors 2021 Edition

    1. Thanks! ❤ These are all series that I definitely need to continue/complete. I've added a sub-category to my bookish resolutions for the year for making progress on series I've already started instead of starting yet more series. Ah, mood reader life!

  1. I’ve read Mira Grant (the mermaid books), Katherine Arden (all of the Vasya books), and started a few Sarah Gailey books that I did not love, but I have River of Teeth on my TBR and my fingers crossed.

    1. River of Teeth is part of American Hippo. I did not love her other book I read. I really wish she’d keep going with the hippo series. I absolutely love it. I just need to read the last Vasya book. 🙂

      1. Huh. That’s not really anything I care much about when picking out a book. Gender, orientation, pronouns, race, whatnot, whatnot- I just care about whether the book’s good or not.

        Thanks for sharing though!

      2. I’m much the same. It just felt a little disrespectful that I’ve put them on a female list when they’re non-binary but they’ll probably never see this blog to be offended anyway. 😛

  2. Great list! I think I’ve read 4 of these authors (well, really 5 because I have read Seanan’s stuff but not as Mira Grant). I think I read mostly women authors so I always wind up having a ton of recs when people are asking. 🙂

    1. I very much enjoyed that one! I bought half the series in one go because I got them so cheap off of BookOutlet. I’m missing book two though. Now my dilemma is that I paid so little that I’m having a hard time paying full price for the second book, even though I’ve already saved so much on the series as a whole. #bookproblems

      1. So the author of American Hippo is also fucking hilarious on Twitter. She made a series of tweets about her horny snails. I didn’t realize it was her until I checked out the name on Goodreads. I already have her added for The Echo Wife.

        See how they get you is they have the first book be super cheap but then the second one is more expensive. I…may or may not be considering such a strategy in the future *innocently whistles*

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